Poem: Our Colour

by Holly White

Is you skin darker than midnight or is it
Kissed with yellow and cream?
Do your freckles of brown
Make shapes and pathways up those arms
To shoulders where your auburn hair skims;
And blonde locks curl;
Chocolate sways or liquorice hangs
And sweet honey shines.
Are your eyes the coldest shade of blue or
The warmest gold to the trees?
Can I see green leaves floating on that cinnamon lake?
And trace the hazel streaks of hope singing in the breeze.
Scars of childhood memories lay bare chested in innocence,
White lines of bravery,
Purple pain of hurt
Your memories are painted differently in notes of sweet dessert.
I wonder what shade you turn in these falling beams,
Do you become richer in delight or red in its hold?
Does pearl become amber
And treacle turn deeper?
Yet are you blind to these words for sight does not grace you with difference
Never to know man made crimes against nature and its offence.
But one song can bind us in this oil slick of beauty:
A sky of rainbow weeping for this cruelty.
A sunset in its simplest form dancing in front of
each and the other.
Because when it sets, when it falls,
Together we stand as one beautiful colour.
